It’s Been Awhile…
Happy to Be Back!

So yes, it’s been awhile…. but for a good reason. We made a major life change, sold our family home of 39 years (very hard to do but definitely the right choice) and moved to a new single home in a nearby life care community that sits next to a working farm and beautiful nature preserve with lots of walking trails and ever changing natural views. We are beyond fortunate. We look out on grazing (and occasionally mooing) cattle right beyond our back yard. So peaceful here. But the process of downsizing and selling our house and moving into a house that we gut renovated was not…. So peaceful, that is. But we’re pretty well settled, I have a lovely, dedicated studio space and I couldn’t be happier to be back at work. Here are some home-taken photos of the first few new pieces completed since the move. Several are already at my professional home away from home, Gravers Lane Gallery in Chestnut Hill, PA. Professional photos to come.

Thanks for the continued support and best wishes to all for happy holidays and a happy and healthy new year ahead.